
90 Days Later

If accountability is the missing piece

Published 16 days ago • 1 min read


You have stacks of great reasons to cut back.

You’ve listened to the podcasts.

Downloaded the free guides.

Read the quit lit books.

Yet still you overdo it.

Not every day at least, but too often for comfort.

You’re never completely certain what’s going to happen. Whether you’ll stick to your drinking goals tonight. Or not.

Trust in yourself is low.

And doubt is high.

You stop believing.

So you stop trying.

Stop making active choices.

Stop being accountable.

And stop doing the things that little by little will shift your relationship with alcohol.

I want big things for you.

I want all the things you want for yourself.

It’s all there ready for you.

Starting with a new relationship with alcohol. With you firmly in the driving seat.

How much do you want that?

For too many people, there’s a gap between what they say they want and how they show up to get it. The words and their actions don’t align, so the Universe can’t deliver on their desires.

If you’re not willing to do whatever it takes to bring your vision to life, you are starting on the backfoot.

I read all too often what people aren’t willing to do:

No sitting with cravings. No discomfort. No willingness to say no. No curiosity. No drink plans.

I’m not saying you have to do all of those things to be successful, but if you aren’t willing to show up for your vision and charge down all paths, you’ll find yourself standing still and going nowhere.

I’m willing to do whatever it takes for my vision because I believe in it so deeply, and I’ve decided that it’s mine. It belongs to me. And it’s inevitable.

That started when I achieved freedom around alcohol. What was, for so many years, an impossible goal.

But I figured it out.

You can too. With my help. And fast.

It starts with you deciding. Deciding to be accountable to yourself no matter what.

If you kinda-sorta have the relationship with alcohol that you want, but just need help to grow your sense of accountability, my new coaching offering is just what you need.

PS: I talk about accountability in this week's episode of the 90 Days Later podcast. Listen on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify or the podcast platform of your choice.

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Queen's Gate Terrace, London, SW7 5PF

90 Days Later

by Anna Charles, Stop Overdrinking Coach

My clients stop overdrinking, reclaim their lives and create freedom around alcohol. They learn a simple, doable way to live a full life without ever worrying what’s in their glass. My action-by-action teaching style provides brilliant high achievers with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and learn to drink in a way that they choose.

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