
90 Days Later

Are you choosing EASY or HARD?

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read


You’re making your life harder than it has to be.

For starters, you do this by...

1️⃣ Believing hard just comes with the territory.

Lots of high achievers think this.

That drinking less is hard.

(It isn’t. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. I promise.)

But when you keep buying into this limiting belief, you end up proving it true.

(Because our thoughts create our results.)

You prove it true by...

2️⃣ Trying to do it all on your own..

I get it…

It’s easy to wear your martyrdom on your sleeve.

I used to do this too.

But I learned the hard way that hard isn’t admirable.

And choosing it intentionally or unintentionally doesn’t make you more valuable or worthy.

3️⃣ Telling yourself (on repeat) that it’s so hard.

Because you should be able to figure this out.

Or because other people don’t struggle like you do.

Or because you mistakenly believe you should be able to do it yourself already.

4️⃣ Refusing to ask for help.

Because you feel embarrassed or ashamed admitting you could use some support.

Or because you're afraid people will judge you for asking for it.

Or because you feel guilty burdening someone else.


I’m all for being resourceful.

But hyper-resourcefulness has a diminishing return when it costs you time, progress and sanity.

5️⃣ Trying to be everything to everybody.

This isn't just hard, it's impossible.

Because everyone will want something different from you.

So even if you try to appease them, you won't be able to.

And you'll pull yourself into a million different directions and burn yourself out in the process.

6️⃣ Putting other people’s needs ahead of your own.

7️⃣ Making unrealistic plans that you won’t be able to execute successfully or making no plans at all.

Which just sets you up to fail.

Saying you’ll drink nothing from now on, even though you have three decades of drinking 2-3 bottles a week.

Or saying I’ll see what happens and hope I’m strong enough to resist.

If you make impossible-feeling plans, your days will feel frustrating and stressful (aka hard). So you are more likely to drink.

8️⃣ Overcommitting yourself by saying yes to too many things.

9️⃣ And not providing yourself with the resources you need to thrive personally and professionally.

Listen, there are a lot of essential skills life simply doesn’t teach you.

Which means you’ve got a knowledge gap.

And that gap?

It’s what’s making your life hard.

Harder than it has to be.

Now, it’s up to you.

You can bridge that gap.

By choosing to invest in the education that will teach you the skills you need to learn to make your life more manageable.

Skills like…

Planning realistically.
Knowing your limits.
Setting boundaries.
Saying no.
Prioritising yourself.
Asking for help.
Caring less about other people’s opinions.
Feeling more confident in your abilities.
And trusting your own judgment.

This is the education you’ll receive working 1-1 with me.

Choose to invest.

In yourself.
In this education.
In an easier life.

Apply here.

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Queen's Gate Terrace, London, SW7 5PF

90 Days Later

by Anna Charles, Stop Overdrinking Coach

My clients stop overdrinking, reclaim their lives and create freedom around alcohol. They learn a simple, doable way to live a full life without ever worrying what’s in their glass. My action-by-action teaching style provides brilliant high achievers with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and learn to drink in a way that they choose.

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