
90 Days Later

Motivation is negotiable

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader

Question: What’s the secret to having the relationship with alcohol that lets you do what you want and go where you want without worrying if there will be wine available?

Answer: Deciding.

Of course, there’s a lot of strategy and work that comes after deciding — but this is STEP ONE and sooo foundational & important to your success!

The ones who haven’t decided their success is a done deal are the ones who never make it out of the gate.

They rely on "motivation" and pep talks to take some action, and then when life gets hard they quit. And pour the wine. Why? Because they haven’t yet decided.

And I mean really decided. To go all in, however deprived and difficult it might feel at first (because it gets easier, I promise).

A decision is a shift in reality. It’s a commitment to change. And a call to rise up.

Without this rock-solid intention that YES YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL, your actions are never going to back it up — and that is the difference-maker.

Just think about it? How many times were you "feeling good" and then as soon as it didn’t feel good you doubted? And then you stumbled? And then you gave up on yourself?

I’m not here to motivate you, I’m here to inspire you to rise up and decide to claim your spot in your life.

Because I know that once the intention is there, the actions will follow.

You won’t fight me when I tell you to say yes to going out with friends and drink water until you sit down to eat. Or to welcome in the cravings. Or go to a Burns supper this weekend completely alcohol free.

Yeah it might be scary, but you’re going to keep going and do it anyway because the decision has already been made.

Motivation is negotiable.
A decision is not.

That doesn't mean you can't have a bad day (or even a bad week) and stumble every once in a while. But you pick yourself back up and you KEEP GOING.

How can you apply this today?

To make your success inevitable.

PS: NEW! I'm now offering 90 minute intensive coaching sessions. These work if you're struggling with something specific or if you want to get a taste for coaching first (especially if you've never been coached before!). A 90 minute intensive with me costs £249. And if you decide to sign up for my full 1-1 package, I'll even credit the cost of the intensive towards it. Book your 90 minute intensive here.

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Queen's Gate Terrace, London, SW7 5PF

90 Days Later

by Anna Charles, Stop Overdrinking Coach

My clients stop overdrinking, reclaim their lives and create freedom around alcohol. They learn a simple, doable way to live a full life without ever worrying what’s in their glass. My action-by-action teaching style provides brilliant high achievers with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and learn to drink in a way that they choose.

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