
90 Days Later

What if you started asking THESE questions instead?

Published 29 days ago • 1 min read


Every day I see people confused by their drinking.

They know they want to change.

They’re trying to take action.

Then wondering why they’re not making progress:

😡 Why am I such a screw up?
😡 Why do I never learn?
😡 Why do I keep making the same mistake?
😡 When will I learn better?
😡 Why can’t I drink like a normal person?

If that’s you, listen up!

Because I have the solution.

Overdrinking is not solved by trying to drink less.
Overdrinking is not solved by resisting alcohol.
Overdrinking is not solved by willpowering your way through evenings.
Overdrinking is not solved by avoiding the bars, parties and having fun.

You solve the problem in your mind first.

If you’re asking yourself terrible questions and expecting to be inspired, think again.

Here are 2 strategies to help:

1️⃣ Call your bluff and actually answer the terrible questions you’re asking.

We often pose these questions rhetorically, but go ahead and see what answers you come up with. This will be easy. You will find alllllll the reasons why you’re a screw up, why you can’t learn, why you will never change.

And guess what? You’ll feel less able to change. More stuck than ever.

This exercise alone will teach you why asking what I call dead-end questions is so unhelpful.

2️⃣ Next, brainstorm a set of different questions. Questions that will help you understand how the drinking habit is unfolding in your brain. Questions that, when answered, will encourage forward momentum. Questions like:

What new thing could I try today?
Why is it possible for me to change my drinking for ever?
How will I live when I’m a normal drinker?

If you want to drink less, drink rarely or not at all, I can help.

I am the perfect person to help you achieve your desired relationship with alcohol.

😍 You’ll learn how to motivate yourself with compassion.
😍 You’ll learn how to not beat yourself up.
😍 You’ll learn how to not give up on yourself.

In the simplest, most straightforward way possible.

I see the life you want.

And know I’m the perfect person to get you there.

If you want to change your relationship with alcohol, let's set up a call. You can access my calendar here (but if you don't find a convenient time just hit reply).

Speak soon,

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Queen's Gate Terrace, London, SW7 5PF

90 Days Later

by Anna Charles, Stop Overdrinking Coach

My clients stop overdrinking, reclaim their lives and create freedom around alcohol. They learn a simple, doable way to live a full life without ever worrying what’s in their glass. My action-by-action teaching style provides brilliant high achievers with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and learn to drink in a way that they choose.

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