
90 Days Later

Your FEAR is keeping you STUCK not safe...

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader

You can be scared and still get what you want.
To do so…
Fearlessness is not required.
Bravery is.

Do I have the results I do because I’m never scared? No. I just feel the fear and take the action anyway. I don’t let my fear stop me and keep me from experiencing life the way I want to.

I know that the cave I fear to enter holds the treasure I seek.

And my work is to be courageous enough to step into the unknown and go claim it.

And this all started when I changed my relationship with alcohol.

It was the scariest thing I had done until that point. Because I just didn't know if I could do it. I really, really didn't. And I was used to setting and achieving goals. I couldn't bare the idea of feeling like a failure again.

So my question to you is: what if you just decided to be brave, too?

What if you just decided to feel terrified but you decided to go out to dinner and make a plan to drink just one glass of wine.

What if you had sweaty palms but you didn't hide away from other people and all their "but why aren't you drinking??" questions.

What if you were freaking out but you set and upheld your boundaries anyway?

I honestly think you have to choose: never being scared, or never getting what you want.

Bravery. Bravery. Bravery.

That’s all that’s required.

So let’s be brave together.

I’m serious!

🔥 Let’s work together so you can tap into true freedom and finally feel like you can do this once and for all.

🔥 Let’s dare to be bold and go for the relationship with alcohol we've always dreamed of, limiting beliefs be damned.

🔥 Let’s show up like the CEO of our lives.

🔥 Let’s get out of our own way and show up consistently, and powerfully.

You get to have it ALL.

And let me say it again: you don’t HAVE to be fearless.

You are a human and you have feelings — that’s natural. And they’re valid.

And I’m sure your fears have even served you at times because they’ve kept you safe…

…but are they STILL keeping you safe? Or are they keeping you stuck?

Thought so.

So I want you to think about fear versus threat for a hot minute...

The fear around working with me might be a level 10 because ‘what if it doesn’t work out?’, ‘what if I don’t show up?’, ‘what if?’, ‘what if?’, ‘what if?’...

But the actual threat to you might only be a level 2. Not dangerous at all.

Meaning you’ve got to have discernment around what is the actual risk of working with me, right?

I could give you all the logical facts and tell you about all the coaching support and have you cast your eyes over all of the testimonials, but your fear may still be there.

So my invitation to you is to take the leap anyway. You don’t even have to ‘trust that the net will appear’ because you don’t need one. You’re safe.

I've got you.

You've got you.

If you feel called, if this feels like your next best step, if this feels like the key to unlocking your next level – follow your intuition. That’s your higher self giving you guidance.

Trust yourself.
Be courageous.
This is your time.

Your life changes the moment you decide it does.

Now is good.

Next step? We talk. I share in detail how to get you to your goal and we get to work. You will change the moment you make the decision. I have the tingles just thinking about it.

PS: If you're still thinking "but what if..." episode 112 of my podcast is out today on the juicy topic of 'Why Setbacks Are A Good Thing'. Like I said, I've got you.

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Queen's Gate Terrace, London, SW7 5PF

90 Days Later

by Anna Charles, Stop Overdrinking Coach

My clients stop overdrinking, reclaim their lives and create freedom around alcohol. They learn a simple, doable way to live a full life without ever worrying what’s in their glass. My action-by-action teaching style provides brilliant high achievers with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and learn to drink in a way that they choose.

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