
90 Days Later

by Anna Charles, Stop Overdrinking Coach

My clients stop overdrinking, reclaim their lives and create freedom around alcohol. They learn a simple, doable way to live a full life without ever worrying what’s in their glass. My action-by-action teaching style provides brilliant high achievers with the tools they need to bypass the overwhelm and learn to drink in a way that they choose.

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What happens after an overdrink?

Reader We’ve all done it. Gone against our drink plan, gone with the flow or decided to drink whatever we feel like and to hell with the consequences. I talk a lot about intention and planning and being willing to take action. But what happens after an overdrink is THE most important time. Because it feels the hardest. Because it’s when all the difficult emotions come out. And because it's when we see how the pattern is unfolding for us in such clarity. The good news is that this is when we...

1 day ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader If you think drinking too much is your ‘Achilles heel,’ THE ONE LAST THING you have to sort out, You may want to look away now. Because today I’m dispelling a myth. The myth that when you’ve figured this out your life will be brilliant. That everything will fall into place. Finally. What!? You might be thinking. But Anna you’re meant to sell me on how my life will change when I’m not glugging my way through half a bottle of Chardonnay each night. YES SO MUCH IN YOUR LIFE WILL BE...

7 days ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader I'm playing with a new way to get my clients faster results than ever before, and I want to test-drive it with just a few beta clients who... Know what you need to do but you're JUST NOT DOING IT or Don't know why you drink so much when you REALLY WANT TO DRINK LESS. Is that you? If so, want to be one of my beta testers? I'm offering an hour of 1:1 coaching with me on this topic for £11.10. Yep. Just £11.10. Sign up here. This is only available for the next 2 weeks. I'm throwing my...

10 days ago • 1 min read

Reader You have stacks of great reasons to cut back. You’ve listened to the podcasts. Downloaded the free guides. Read the quit lit books. Yet still you overdo it. Not every day at least, but too often for comfort. You’re never completely certain what’s going to happen. Whether you’ll stick to your drinking goals tonight. Or not. Trust in yourself is low. And doubt is high. You stop believing. So you stop trying. Stop making active choices. Stop being accountable. And stop doing the things...

22 days ago • 1 min read

Reader It is no accident that when I overhauled my drinking I lost 24 pounds in a matter of months. For too long a couple of glasses had turned into finishing the entire bottle. Soon enough I was drinking a few bottles of week. And pouring a glass of wine became part of dinner prep. Not only is booze loaded with calories, but when I drank I snacked more. A few nibbles before dinner became a packet or two of breadsticks. Worst of all the wine left me feeling tired and lethargic. But when I...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Reader Every day I see people confused by their drinking.They know they want to change. They’re trying to take action.Then wondering why they’re not making progress:😡 Why am I such a screw up?😡 Why do I never learn?😡 Why do I keep making the same mistake?😡 When will I learn better?😡 Why can’t I drink like a normal person?If that’s you, listen up!Because I have the solution.Overdrinking is not solved by trying to drink less.Overdrinking is not solved by resisting alcohol.Overdrinking is not...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

It is possible for you to drink normally. It is possible for you to take it or leave it. It is possible for you to find your off switch. And to get these results quicker than you think. But this will not happen on its own. Drinking habits go deep because alcohol is a strong reward. But that’s OK. Because I know how to rewire your drinking habit by rewiring your brain. I know how to change your identity around alcohol. I know how to make it an irrelevance in your life, whether you continue to...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Reader “I need a drink” Ever think that thought? Or maybe it’s cousin… “I deserve a drink.” When they first come to me many of my clients think these thoughts. It seems so innocent and justified. Especially if you’ve had a tough day. On your feet or making millions of decisions. You know you want to stop drinking so much, but it really was a tough day. You’ll have just the one. Hopefully. Except that isn’t what ends up happening, is it? And you end your day feeling awful. About yourself....

2 months ago • 1 min read

Reader You’re making your life harder than it has to be. For starters, you do this by... 1️⃣ Believing hard just comes with the territory. Lots of high achievers think this. That drinking less is hard. (It isn’t. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. I promise.) But when you keep buying into this limiting belief, you end up proving it true. (Because our thoughts create our results.) You prove it true by... 2️⃣ Trying to do it all on your own.. I get it… It’s easy to wear your martyrdom on your...

3 months ago • 2 min read

"What are you drinking? It's white wine, yes?""No thanks. I'll take a lime and soda please."==>If you want to completely change your attitude to drinking pay attention to what happens next.<==You've said "no". Step one accomplished.But how does saying "no" feel? I mean REALLY FEEL.In your bones.In your stomach.In your shoulders. Be specific.Understanding what's going on in your body sends valuable clues. Because how you feel determines what action you take. Whether you'll stand firm with the...

3 months ago • 1 min read
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